How do I write a Short Video Script? - Aseem Juneja

How do I write a Short Video Script?

How do I write a Short Video Script

Looking to make a short on Youtube?

What do you think, is it easy?

or you have no idea?

Well, creating a short video of 60 seconds or less on Youtube and conveying what you really want to convey to the audience you are targeting in the most simplistic manner – is NOT that easy.

It might look easy once or twice though.

But doing it on a recurring basis, can be exhausting.

Can we create a process around it, that you can just follow everytime for all the topics that you are looking to cover in different shorts that you want to cover?

Yes, we can.

So, this is how we do it on our channel.

For every short topic that we do, there is a script that we first write.

The script has 3 parts:

  1. Premise
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

We treat each script as a human body, where Premise is like the head, body is like the human body and conclusion is like the final outlook of the person.

All three parts of the script are connected to each other, TIGHTLY!

We allocate a specific percentage of the whole short duration to each of the above mentioned parts i.e.:

  • Premise: 15% to 20%
  • Body: 70%
  • Conclusion: 10% to 15%

Premise is like saying Hi (more like Hiiiiiiiii).

Its a quick intro for the viewer on what this short video is all about. A gist of it! But the choice of words in the premise are a bit flashy, over the top but still easy to understand.

One thing we never forget when we complete the premise is, leave a hanger that connects it with the content in the body. Could be in the form of a question or a vague statement, but nothing random.

The body is the story.

Here we maintain a narrative, a connection of a statement to the one following it and the one that preceded it. We treat story-telling as an edible. Easier to eat, easier to digest.

Conclusion is the climax.

Has to be interesting (unlike what Game of thrones last season did with itself). So, the learning, observation, story-end whatever it is, its mentioned here. There is always an attempt to connect the conclusion with something we mentioned in the premise.

Something. Anything.

Lastly, there is always a Call to Action.

Subscribe, Share, Comment, Install, Like (in no particular order) or anything that creates some business value out of the content put out freely for the world.

Any of the actions done by the user has a direct or indirect impact on your brand, business, recall and so on.

Here is one of such shorts for your reference, to understand the practicality of the above written concept:

Hope that helped in making you learn How do I write a Short Video Script!


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