How many Shorts should I upload on Youtube? - Aseem Juneja

How many Shorts should I upload on Youtube?

How many Shorts should I upload on Youtube

As much as you want!

Yea, really. I won’t be telling you to upload 1,2,3 or 5 shorts a day. There is no hard core Youtube algorithm rule as such on the quantity of the short or long form videos you can upload.

For instance, we used to upload 3 shorts a day and we did so for good 6 months. No kidding!

Thats almost 1000 shorts.

Then for a few months, we came down to 1 and we recently, we upped it to 2 shorts day, apart from 3-4 long forms a week.

But what’s the rule?

The rule is while you DEFINITELY maintain the quality of the videos you upload (there must be NO compromise on that part), you must have a bank of shorts all the time.

We used to have a bank of 50-60 raw and 20-30 edited shorts at any given point in time. Ofcourse, it requires rigrous amount of work at scripting, production and editing level. And on top of that, to maintain all this in the form of a calendar.

Our Youtube studio always has 4-5 videos scheduled that are supposed to go today and tomorrow. And this becomes a mamoth task at the time of the weekend. There are shorts for Friday evening, all day for Saturday and Sunday and then one for Monday morning.

So, before we ask and understand the depth of these questions, we must always know the kind of ownership and responsibility it brings.

Youtube algorithm would LOVE you even more if you keep uploading quality videos consistently for those videos will keep bringing existing and newer audience on the platform.

Its good business for Youtube as well.


There is an ugly side to the Youtube Algo too. It would HATE you so bad if you:

  • Either start uploading low quality content in order to keep the algo happy with the quantity of content you have committed.
  • Or stop uploading content regularly. As in, uploaded 3 today, none tomorrow, 1 day after and so on. Don’t do that. Youtube algo can’t trust you anymore. And People & Youtube Algo despise those they can’t trust.

Anyway, What results did we get when we started uploading 3 shorts day.

You are in here for a happy surprise. Look below:


The below count shows you the number of shorts published on that given day. The upper count of 4223 tells you the number of subscribers we got on that particular day.

That is the power of quality content with quantity and discipline.

Hope you get the point.


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