How much Youtube Paid me for 10M Views on a Short? - Aseem Juneja

How much Youtube Paid me for 10M Views on a Short?

How much Youtube Paid for 10M Views on a Short?

You are here for a surprise.

A big one!

So, we are closing on 10M (1 Crore) views on a few of our shorts and I’ll take a couple of them as examples in this quick blog.

But before we get into the money part (eh, don’t scroll down yet. Stay! Else you will miss the plot), we need to understand one thing.

Youtube commercials are very, I mean VERY different for a Short video as compared to a normal long-form video. And there is a logical explaination to that.

Your long-form video could vary from, lets say 5 minutes to 20 minutes in length.

And with that much duration at hand, Youtube can use its advertisement inventory a lot many times. That inventory usage allows Youtube to charge the businesses running the ad, again, multiple times.

While, a Youtube short is really short. I mean, it could be as small as 10 seconds at maximum 60.

That allows very minimal chance of Youtube running much ads around.

In business terms, Youtube itself does not make a LOT of mullah when its users end up watching shorts and not watch long-form content.

It’s actually a waste of time (sometimes for both the viewers and Youtube). Its a loss-loss!

So, now.

Let’s get to the point.

So, we have a Stock Market channel where we podcast with some of the budding traders and investors of the country. We did a detailed video and this is a cut-out from that episode:

And here are the analytics of it:

How much Youtube Paid for 10M Views on a Short?

What does it tell you?

So, we have almost closed in to a 10M mark on this but the video has managed to grab less that $100 or INR 7500 odd.

What do you learn from it?

You cannot, absolutely cannot, think of a Youtube career from a Youtube channel that is made of just SHORTS (unless ofcourse, there are brand deals raining in. Even that won’t happen for the first few months!).

But, yea. Shorts give you reach but that’s a separate topic to discuss for some other day.

By the way, would you like to know – how much we made from the long-form video from which short was cut-out?

This is that whole video:

And here is a snapshot of our earnings from this video:

How much Youtube Paid for 10M Views on a Short?

What do you make out from it?

Basically, we are sitting at almost 5 times less the amount of views on this long-form video as compared to that small short but this video made almost 5 times more money.

That’s a huge difference!

So, in a sense, when this long-form video reaches 10M mark, there is a huge possibility, this video would have made 25 times more money than the short video with the same number of views.

Now, what do you learn from this?

Simple. If you want to really make a Youtube career for yourself with money coming in, focus on the Long-form.

And that too, consistently.

Shorts give you fame.

Long form gives you bread (and some fame).

Although, I took just one example of explain you the point but that’s pretty much applicable to all other shorts and the corresponding long form videos I have made and analyzed.

Keep reading other topics around here.

Some of them are pretty neat, like this one! 🙂


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