How to Deal with Negative Comments on Youtube? - Aseem Juneja

How to Deal with Negative Comments on Youtube?

How to Deal with Negative Comments on Youtube


This one might be hurting. You must be feeling bad, pretty bad.


Infact, you must be wondering “Why the hell am I even doing it? I am putting in so much effort here in topic ideation, scripting, production, editing, copywriting the description and what not. And what am I getting in comments?”

Hatred? Abuses? Criticism?

Your thoughts then take you to the directions such as:

“I will delete all such comments, infact, I will block such thankless users!”

“I will replay them with the worst response they would have ever heard of.”

and 10 other thoughts.

All of that, my dear, is NOT Worth it.

There are multiple reasons to that.

  • First of all, you need to understand – if you are genuinely working towards producing valuable content for your subscriber base and are still getting some negative comments – don’t worry about it. Most likely, it is a very miniscule percentage. A percentage you can ignore.
  • Secondly, rather then responding with a venamous response, if you answer the person in a neutral tone or even answering an abuse with a basic question “Are you Ok?”, mostly likely the person is going to tell you – Sorry Sir/Mam, I did not mean that. I will remove my comment.
  • Thirdly, you cannot fathom everything on the internet. Sometimes the mood of the user is already burnt due to something else in their life and the easiest way to vent that frustration out is to do that on internet with a hidden identity. Noone is going to care about it – and thus, you must not.
  • And yes Forthly, you cannot please all 8 Billion people on our planet. There would be a small percentage that might not really like you. And you must be okay with that. Totally cool about it.

Thus, if someone asks me “How to Deal with Negative Comments on Youtube” or in other words, how I do it, then my answer is – with a smiling face.

Obviously, I don’t respond to any abuses (With God’s grace, we don’t even get 0.00001% abuse comments) but if someone takes a pot shot – our general response is to ask a question back around or something close to the point being made.

The question in such cases is to get to the core of the user on why the user feels so.

And in a lot of cases, the person says “I was just kidding” or “I did this to get attention”.

While saying so, the user edits or removes the original comment in place.

Therefore, while you are responding to 100s of comments on a daily basis (which you must), make sure you don’t get bogged down by a small percentage of this bleak comments.

Infact, face those with a tight look without any emotions involved.


With all that said.

Make sure you don’t assume everything that is written out there which is not positive, is negative.

Sometimes, its not.


Because sometimes, a few users would want to suggest you something. Something that they don’t like and you must really consider executing.

Thus, when you are responding to these comments without much of emotions, make sure you filter out some of these “feedbacks” and plan to see if these are actually useful for you to take care of.

Hope you got that one.


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