Complete an Online Task & Earn Money : A New Kind of Scam! - Aseem Juneja

Complete an Online Task & Earn Money : A New Kind of Scam!

whatsapp scam

WhatsApp, Telegram, and other messaging apps have made our lives easier, but at the same time, they have generated new types of scams and frauds in the market.

Scammers message you on WhatsApp and ask you to complete an online task, promising a handsome payment in return. But later, they wipe out your account.

Want to know how? Here is an incident that took place with Ravi, who lost ₹7 lakh in such a scam.

Ravi: Hello ADB, I need your help?

ADB: Yes Ravi, please tell your concern.

Ravi: Few months back, I received one message on Whatsapp where they assigned me one simple task of submitting screenshots of website and promised to pay me for the same after completing a task.

ADB: Okay, that sounds strange. What happened next?

Ravi: For the first few days, they kept on assigning me simple task and credit the payment at the end of the day. But then they started assigning me task where I need to make some payments to complete it.

ADB: Didn’t you find it suspicious?

Ravi: I did, but regular payment left negligible doubt and I continued doing task.

ADB: Did you receive payment after that?

Ravi: For a few days yes, but after that I stopped receiving payment on daily basis. When I called them, they said that now it will be done every fortnight.

They assigned me tasks where I had to put money in different bank accounts.

ADB: What’s the total value you deposited?

Ravi: ₹7 lakh

ADB: That’s huge. Did you receive any money?

Ravi: No, whenever I called them they said that it is under processing and soon will be reflected in my bank account.

It’s been months now and I have not received any money.

ADB: Did you report this case?

Ravi: Yes, I reported to Cybercrime.

ADB: So, did you find it useful.

Ravi: They are investigating and also told that these scams are becoming common these days.

ADB: Yes Ravi, they are right and this is unawareness and greed that make people fall in such scams. Just hope for the best and in case you need any further assistance feel free to reach out to us.


Ravi’s experience serves as a warning about the dangers of WhatsApp scams.

Always be cautious of unsolicited messages promising easy money. Verify the legitimacy of offers, and report any suspicious activity to the authorities promptly.

Scams like these can have serious financial consequences, and awareness is the first step in prevention. So stay informed & stay safe!

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