Have You Bought Genuine Stock Market Course? - Aseem Juneja

Have You Bought Genuine Stock Market Course?

stock market course scam

Have you decided to join a Stock Market Course?

Great! This can help you become self-reliant and make your own trading decisions.

But wait! Is just deciding to take a course or joining a course the right solution?

Of course not! What if the course provider is not a trader himself? And even if he is a trader and profitable, what is the guarantee that he is genuinely profitable?

Finding a genuine course provider is as difficult as finding the right stock for a beginner. Therefore, it is important to do thorough research.

Many of you fail to learn the stock market, and most of the time, the reason is simple: you blindly enroll in courses offered by your favorite influencer.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t buy courses from them. You can, but only after doing complete verification and ensuring that you will get what you are told and promised.

Negligence can result in financial losses due to course fees, and if the mentor doesn’t guide you correctly, the possibility of making losses in trading is much higher.

Recently, we came across one such incident where Mr. Yogender (name changed) got influenced by a YouTube video from an influencer and ended up buying his course worth ₹15,000.

The course duration was 1.5 months. Mr. Yogender joined the classes and found that someone else with minimal knowledge of the stock market was conducting the classes. Although the classes were held after market hours, the mentor would give indirect tips.

For example, he would apply the RSI indicator on a stock and suggest that if the RSI value touches 60 and the stock price reaches 1246, then take a long position in the market.

Even after 15 days, Mr. Yogender didn’t learn anything new. When he reached out to the course provider, the influencer asked him to join another batch of live sessions.

Mr. Yogender tried again, but in the live sessions, the influencer would give interviews to media houses and didn’t share any knowledge with the audience.

This disheartened him, and the only thing he was left with was disappointment.

What did Mr. Yogender miss?

  • He blindly trusted the influencer.
  • He didn’t consider taking a demo class.
  • He didn’t do a background check of the influencer’s trading activities and PnL (Profit and Loss statements).

A little effort at the beginning could have helped Mr. Yogender save money.

This could be you as well and therefore it is important to make any decision related to the stock market, including learning or taking a course, only after doing proper research and validation of the mentor.

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