He Created a Fake Website and did a Scam of More than ₹3 Lakhs... - Aseem Juneja

He Created a Fake Website and did a Scam of More than ₹3 Lakhs…

online frauds

When the frauds are happening online, the scammers are also getting tech-savvy to approach people. And in one of the recent case we came across, one person created a fake website and impersonate himself as a part of renowned stockbroker

He created a fake website and introduced himself as Raj Oberoi (name changed) and looted the hard-earned money of many people.

Among those victims Satyam (name changed), one reached out to us and narrated the whole incident.

Satyam: Sir, I lost around ₹3 lakh in one of the investment scams.

ADB: Please tell us what happened exactly, so that we can provide you with the right solution.

Satyam: I come from a middle class family and to make money I used to search for investment options. One day, I came across a website called KPS International Securities (name changed). I found it authentic and submitted my details.

Few days later I received a message on WhatsApp, where Mr. Raj Oberoi introduced himself as CEO of the company. Then he dropped a message that he had participated in an international event and asked me to vote for him and if he won then he would transfer some share of the winning amount.

ADB: So, you followed his instructions. Right?

Satyam: Yes sir and he also transferred ₹30,000 later.

ADB: Yeah, scammers like him to gain the trust of people. So, what happened next?

Satyam: He then promoted his investment and advisory services and gave an assurance of 100% return.

ADB: So, how much did you deposit?

Satyam: I started with ₹1,00,000 but transferred ₹3,00,000 in total.

ADB: Did you get any return on investment?

Satyam: No sir, after a few days of making investment, he blocked me. When I looked for the website, I couldn’t find it.

ADB: Sorry to hear that Satyam, but he was not the part of the company that he claimed. Further, that ₹30,000 was his investment so that you start trusting him and follow his instructions.

Satyam: Yes, I should have checked his details.

ADB: There are many ways, like if you yourself are tech-savvy then you can check the domain age of the website and if not you can seek help to check how old the website is.

Generally in such cases, websites are a few days old that help you in acknowledging the scam and protect you from losing money.

Satyam: What can be done in this case?

ADB: In this case, we can file a Cyber Crime Complaint.

Satyam: What’s the process for the same?

ADB: You simply have to register on Cyber Crime portal and write details of whole incidents with all the proofs of transactions & messages.

Satyam: Okay sir, thanks for the help & support

ADB: You are welcome and stay safe while doing any kind of investment and validate details of the person or company.

Satyam: Sure Sir. 

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