He Kept Doing Prepaid Tasks & Lost More than ₹4 Lakhs.. - Aseem Juneja

He Kept Doing Prepaid Tasks & Lost More than ₹4 Lakhs..

telegram scams

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Have you received a similar message on your WhatsApp? If yes, then get Alert, the scammer has found your number and you might be his next target.

Now such messages and earnings can lure anyone and almost everyone wants to check the details. Vishnu, did the same and clicked on the link he received on the WhatsApp message on June 17, 2024.

That link redirected him to the Telegram Group where the admin provided training to do tasks and then started assigning paid tasks.

Vishnu stayed in the group and started doing tasks. The tasks were to give reviews to different Google websites. Simple, isn’t it?

On the first day, he did 6 tasks and received a payment of ₹1000.

After completing this task, the scammer asked to trade in a Bitcoin with ₹1000. The scammer also guided him how to trade, when to trade and when to exit.

He earned ₹200 profit that day.

In simple terms, he continued with no clue that he got trapped in a scam. Then the next day, the scammer asked him to do 10 tasks. Again he did all the tasks and shared screenshots.

Scammer then asked him to place another trade but this time with ₹7000 where he gave an assurance of profit up to ₹2,500.

This continued for days and then one day Vishnu was asked to do a trade of ₹38,000. But this time the trade didn’t go as expected. His tasks were marked red.

Now to rectify his mistake, he had to do a trading of ₹81,000. But as per the scammer Vishnu made a mistake again. He couldn’t understand what was happening. But now he had to follow the instructions to get his money back.

He added more money and when everything went well and he tried to withdraw his capital of ₹1,81,000/- the scammer told him that due to his previous mistakes his credit score is 80 and to withdraw the amount it should be 100. So, in order to reach that level he had to add more money to trade.

He did the same and ended up adding more than ₹4,00,000 in the scammer’s account.

Now, why did this all happen?

The reason is simple and straightforward, Vishnu wanted to make easy money and in doing that lost his hard-earned money.

However, to seek justice he report telegram scammer and file a complaint in Cyber Crime. But had not received any response yet. However, this is not the end point and we guided him to file an FIR and to lodge a complaint to the state’s Nodal Officer.

But the concern here is not only to recover losses of Vishnu and other victims but to stop it permanently. Of course, these scammers won’t stop.

So, it is important for you to stop looking for easy gains. Before you click on any Unknown link just remember that no task can make you rich overnight. So, stop following anyone blindly and save your hard earned money.

In such a case, recovery may be difficult but being aware can help prevent you from experiencing the same.

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