My Greed Trapped Me in a Fraudulent Investment Scheme… - Aseem Juneja

My Greed Trapped Me in a Fraudulent Investment Scheme…

unethical advisory

Investment fraud is a distressing and all-too-common issue that can have serious financial and emotional repercussions for victims.

Recently, we received a troubling case involving Mukesh (name changed), who sought our assistance regarding an alleged investment fraud perpetrated by a person named Kunal Jain (name changed).

This incident highlights the importance of vigilance and legal recourse when dealing with financial investments.

Mukesh: Hi, I need help with an investment fraud issue involving a person named Kunal Jain.

ADB: We’re here to assist. Can you explain what happened?

Mukesh: Kunal Jain, a Quotex trader, told me in January 2023 that he takes investments every February and provides a 60% return. He asked me for ₹12 lakhs initially, and later, at the time of returning the investment, he asked for another ₹3 lakhs. So, in total, he took ₹15 lakhs from me.

ADB: And what has happened since then?

Mukesh: It’s been over a year now, and he hasn’t returned my money or the interest amount. When I ask about the investment, he doesn’t give any answers. The payments were made to his father’s account, and now I can’t find either Milan or his father. He also has a YouTube channel but there’s no trace of him now.

ADB: That sounds serious. What actions have you taken so far?

Mukesh: I have filed a complaint with the police and also reported it to cyber crime. However, the cyber crime department said it’s a false case since I voluntarily made the payment to his account. They stated it’s only a police matter.

ADB: It’s good that you’ve filed a complaint with the police. Here are some additional steps you can take:

1. Follow Up with the Police: Keep in regular contact with the police to ensure they are actively investigating your case. Provide them with any new information you might get.
2. Gather Evidence: Collect all communications, payment proofs, and any other relevant documents that can support your case.
3. Consult a Lawyer: Consider consulting a legal professional who can advise you on how to proceed with your case and possibly expedite the investigation.
4. Public Awareness: Share your experience on public platforms to warn others about Milan Jain and his fraudulent activities.

Mukesh: Thank you. I’ll make sure to follow up with the police and consult a lawyer.

ADB: You’re welcome. If you need any further assistance or support in gathering evidence or dealing with the authorities, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you through this process.

This case underscores the need for continuous follow-up with law enforcement, gathering substantial evidence, and seeking legal advice to navigate the complexities of investment fraud.

Through Mukesh’s experience, we aim to raise awareness and provide guidance to others who might find themselves in similar situations.

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