Telegram's Profit-Sharing Scams Can Cost You Your Hard-Earned Money! - Aseem Juneja

Telegram’s Profit-Sharing Scams Can Cost You Your Hard-Earned Money!

telegram scam

Isn’t it surprising that people join Telegram groups offering profit-sharing schemes without any validation?

It is your hard-earned money, so think carefully before entrusting it to others. If they claim to provide profit by using your money, why wouldn’t they use their own money and keep 100% of the profit for themselves? That would be more profitable for them, right?

In reality, they are not intending to share profits. Instead, they focus on looting people by selling access to premium groups and other means.

Here is the story of Sushil (name changed), who was scammed by a Telegram channel called Index Calls (name changed).

Sushil: Hello, ADB team. I need help regarding a serious issue with a Telegram group called “Index Calls” (name changed). They initially gave me some profit, so I trusted them.

Later they offered me profit sharing scheme for which on January 30, 2024, I handed over my trading account to them, and within one day, I lost my entire capital.

ADB: We’re sorry to hear about your loss. Can you provide more details about how you got involved with this group and the promises they made?

Sushil: Sure. To join their Telegram group, I had to pay a premium fee of ₹2,000, which I believe is charged on a monthly or yearly basis.

They promised a profit-sharing arrangement of 50:50. They assured me that the maximum loss in a day would be only 5%. But instead, I lost my entire capital of ₹30,000 in just one day.

ADB: That sounds very concerning. Did they provide any documentation or contracts regarding the profit-sharing agreement and the risk management strategy?

Sushil: No, there was no formal documentation. It was all based on trust and their assurances in the Telegram group.

ADB: Understood. This definitely sounds like a case of financial fraud. We will guide you on how to file a complaint with SEBI. Can you provide us with the details of the Telegram group and any communications or evidence you have?

Sushil: Yes, I have screenshots of our conversations and payment receipts for the premium fees. I can share those with you.

ADB: That will be very helpful. Please share those documents with us.

In the meantime, we will draft a complaint to SEBI on your behalf. It’s important to report such incidents to protect others from similar fraud.

Sushil: Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it.

ADB: You’re welcome. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of your complaint. Please make sure to keep all your communications and documents safe as they may be needed for further investigation.

Sushil: I will. Thanks again for your support.

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