What Happens After Cyber Crime Complaint | Investigation Process

What Happens after Cyber Crime Complaint?

what happens after cyber crime complaint

With the growing advancement and digitization cyber crimes in India are increasing at a significant scale.

Now to combat such issues, the government of India has taken certain initiatives and one among them is reporting to cyber cells.

However, just filing a complaint is not the end, infact it is the beginning to recover your losses. One needs to be updated and get regular follow-ups on the filed complaint. For this, it is important to know what happens after you file a cyber crime complaint.

  1. Generation of Acknowledgement Number
    Once you file & submit your complaint to Cyber Crime, you will receive an acknowledgment number on your mail and registered mobile number.

    This number helps you in checking the status of your complaints later.

  2. Investigation of Case
    If the complaint falls under the jurisdiction of a particular authority, the Cyber Police starts investigating the case on the basis of details and proof provided by you.

    To make the process smooth, make sure you report the case to your local police station as well. For this file an FIR against the suspect so that police can proceed with the investigation of the case.

    To solve the case completely, they collect more evidence and make multiple calls and emails to the victim to gather more information required to proceed.

  3. Freeze Suspect Bank Accounts
    On getting proper validation, Cyber Police later froze the bank accounts of the suspect where the money was transferred. Along with this, all other bank accounts linked with the transaction of the suspect’s account are frozen.

    This is done to keep the amount on hold which can later be used to recover losses of the victim.

In general Cyber police take 10-12 days to resolve a case. Other than this, the timeline varies according to the complexities and duration after which the case has been filed.


Cyber Crime cases are increasing and as per the data, people lost ₹1750 crores in the first four months of 2024. However, the money recovered by Cyber Police is ₹17 crore only.

The recovery of the amount depends upon how quickly you filed a complaint and further on the complexity of the case.

Make sure you take quick action and understand the process of how to complain online frauds in India.

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