How Registered & Unregistered Advisory Firms Scam You! - Aseem Juneja

How Registered & Unregistered Advisory Firms Scam You!

advisory firm scams

In the world of finance, everyone wants to make quick profits and hardly put efforts to learn and develop proper trading skills. This opens a gateway for scammers & fraudsters who await to loot your money.

The scam could be different but the way scammers approach you is similar in most of the cases. It all began with an enticing proposition by a company and promise of high returns.

On seeing your interest they ask you to deposit an amount and give you guarantee of high returns. Now, this is the first red-flag that can help you in identifying such scams.

Even if the registered entity claims any kind of guaranteed return they are violating SEBI guidelines. But for many, especially those with little to no experience in trading, this seemed like a golden opportunity to make quick and substantial profits. Right?

Now, the story does not end here. The company provide you well-researched tips in the beginning that help you to make profit and to gain your trust.

Eventually, you end up adding more funds in your trading account and increase your position sizing significantly. Now, the scammer succeed in meeting their objective.

Seeing the right time, they offer you premium plans claiming more offers & benefits.

The victim who is already impressed with their initial services and having no clue of their objective, end up paying large sum of money.

Under premium plan, you get more tips but the results, they are completely different. Instead of profit, you started making loss.

And when you approach them, you keep in on hearing one common statement, market is volatile and to wait for the losses to recover. You don’t even get the time to understand that what actually happened and all your capital & profit get wiped off.

In the end, they block your number and you are left with no option. But in such cases, you can reach out to market regulator. But the market regulator can also provide you limited help especially if the person or a company is not a registered RA or IA.

The similar case happened with one Woman name Kiran based in Pune who lost ₹7 lakh by following tips of registered RA who later claimed that someone else was using his ID & registration number to provide advisory services.

The woman although got multiple signals that could have saved her from losing money, like:

The scammer asked him to open a demat account using his link.
Later he asked to transfer money in the third party bank account.
Even though he said that he was SEBI registered still he was providing tips on WhatsApp.

If Kiran would have identified these red-flags and done proper validation & verification then the story could be different. But like many other victims, she too fall into greed and lost her hard-earned money.

The Harsh Reality

This unfortunate experience underscores several critical points for investors:

  1. Lack of Proper Trading Skills: Investing based on tips and promises without adequate knowledge or understanding of the market can be extremely risky.
  2. Too Good to Be True: Guaranteed returns, especially those significantly higher than market norms, should always raise red flags. The stock market is inherently volatile, and no legitimate company can guarantee specific returns.
  3. Take a Pain to Validate Details: Always verify the credentials of the company. Even if a company claims to be SEBI registered, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice.
  4. Regulatory Oversight: Even with SEBI regulations in place, scams and fraudulent schemes can slip through the cracks. It’s essential for investors to remain vigilant and skeptical of extraordinary claims.


Such incidents can happen with anyone but awareness and alertness can protect you from significant risk and potential losses.

Proper education, skepticism towards guaranteed returns, and thorough validation are vital steps to safeguard one’s financial well-being. Now, in such cases there is a possibility to recover your losses if you file a complaint against RIA (registered investment advisors) without much delay.

SEBI SCORES portal provides you a simple and quick way to report your cases and provide a solution in most of the cases that help traders & investors in recovering their losses.

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